
(423) 277-85-18

Родословная Ulissa_Юлисса (ns 11)

Parents Grand Parents Great-Grand Parents Great-Great-Grand Parents



Ch WCF Pearl of Empire's Koh-I-Noor

BRI ns 11

GICh Eric von Burfersrush

BRI ns 11

ICh Nanook's Silver Ascot

BRI ns 12

GICh Elvis of Sarsen Stones

BRI ns 11

Ch Gina of Sarsen Stones

BRI ns 11

Ch Josefine of Sarsen Stones

BRI ns

GICh Silver-Gary von Quintana

BRI ns 11

GICh Silver-Oberta Fan Livardia

BRI ns 12

Ch Pearl of Empire's Dakota

BRI ns 11

WCh Witchwoods Lionheart

BRI ny 12

Coppins Golddigger

BRI ny 12

Witchwoods Alchemist

BRI ny 12

GICh The Pearl of Empire's Revolution in Love

BRI ns 11

WCh The Pearl of Empire's Magallanus

BRI ns 11

WCh Kristie v.Maringo

BRI ns 11



Ch Assolux Сезоинк Зельда

BRI ns 11

Ch Pearl of Empire's Armani Spangle

BRI ns 11

WCh Witchwoods Lionheart

BRI ny 12

Coppins Golddigger

BRI ny 12

Witchwoods Alchemist

BRI ny 12

ICh Pearl of Empire's Pompadour

BRI ns 11

GICh Fernando v.Ybloske-Eksolby

BRI ns 11

WCh Kristie v.Maringo

BRI ns 11

ICh Tutsy Silver-of-Britain

BRI ns 11

Gem Silver-of-Britain

BRI ns 11

GICh Gerbert Alexsander-Fred

BRI ns 11 62

ICh Aubusta Silver-of-Britain

BRI ns 11

ICh Aubusta Silver-of-Britain

BRI ns 11

WCh The Pearl of Empire's Megallanes

BRI ns 11

Ch Nella

BRI ns 11