
(423) 277-85-18

Velana Arte Vita, BRI ny 11

Velana Arte Vita

Родословная / Pedigree




Grand PArents


Great Grand Parents


Great Great Grand Parents


Ch Tomson Zolotoi Zamok
Color: BRI ny 11

Golden Mogli von Grimms Barchen
Color: BRI ny 11
D*Sweet Pearis Joschi
EXO ny 11
Country Castles Honey Barchen EXO ny 11
Piper-Sweet Witch von der Almarkperle EXO ny 11
D*G*Oree von Grimms Barchen
BRI ny 11
ECh D*Sascha Fils Oll*Josy BRI ny 11
Ch D*Abygold von Grimms Barchen BRI ny 11
Polux von Grimms Barchen
BRI ny 11
D*Sweet Pearis Joschi
EXO ny 11
Country Casrles Honey Barchen EXO ny 11
Piper-Sweet Witch von der Almarkperle EXO ny 11
D*G*Oree von Grimms Barchen
BRI ny 11
ECh D*Sascha Fils Oll*Josy BRI ny 11
Ch D*Abygold von Grimms Barchen BRI ny 11

Ch Alis Angelica Arte Vita
Color: BRI ny 25
Ch (МФА) Aik Golden Kitty
BRI ny 25
ICh Goldfevers Golden Ill Nino
BRI ny 11
ICh Marvellous Golden Radetzky BRI ny 25
Tjarde V.Felden BRI ny 11
Fantastica Supermurrcat
BRI ay 25
Ch Helios Sky Golden Mormot BRI ay 23
GICh Impossible From Miracle Garden BRI ay 11
ICh Юлисса
BRI ns 11
ICh Pearl of Empires Koh-I-Noor
BRI ns 11
GICh Eric von Burgersrush BRI ns 12
Ch Pearl of Empires Dakota BRI ns 11
Ch Сезоинк Зельда
BRI ns 11
Ch Pearl of Empires Armani Spangle BRI ns 11
ICh Tutsy Silver-of-Britain BRI ns 11