ASSOL Raylis, BRI ny 21 33
Родители Parents |
Деды Grand PArents |
Прадеды Great Grand Parents |
Прапрадеды Great Great Grand Parents |
Color: BRI ny 11 33
Color: BRI ny 11 33
GICh Golden Ingredibly Mystery"s Dream of Mormot
BRI ny 11
WCh Calando of Mustery"s Dream BRI ns 11
ICh Mary Lu v.Felden BRI ny 11
Elisabet Golden Fleece
BRI ns 11
Ch Silver-Joshua vom Golden Winkel BRI ns 11
Caramel Vitty Golden Fleece BRI ny 24
ICh Yasmina Golden Marmot
BRI ny 25
Ch Germes Golden Mormot
BRI ny 25
GECh Golden Ingredibly Mystery"s Dream of Mormot BRI ny 11
Charming Stefany de Norte Dame de Creuse BRI ny 25
Fantazy Silver Mormot
BRI ns 25
WCh Тhie-Sun Vivien Mormot BRI ns 22
WCh Golden Happiness Mystery"s Dream of Mormot BRI ny 11
Color: BRI ns 11 33
GICh Alonso-Boy Gregori AL GATO
BRI ns 11
ICh Ludnig Venzel AL GATO
BRI b 21 33
ICh Silver-Joshua vom Golden Winkel BRI ns 11
Candy Snow Queen BRI ns 11
Kitty Cristall Gregori AL GATO
BRI ns 11
ICh Ludvig Venzel Gregory AL GATO BRI ns 11 33
Ch Reconda Scarlet Sweet Dream BRI ns 11
Ch Nansy-Bravo Gregori AL GATO
BRI ns 11 33
ICh Ludvig Venzel Gregori AL GATO
BRI ns 11 33 |
ICh Silver-Joshua vom Golden Winkel BRI ns 11
Candy Snow Queen BRI ns 11
Ch Zaya Gregory AL GATO
BRI ns 11 33
ICh Silver-Joshua vom Golden Winkel BRI ns 11
Selby Snow Queen BRI ns 11